Tire Overview:
CRC "WGT Stripe" 1/12 Spec Rear Tires use the same purple stripe compound foam used for 1/10 World GT spec racing. This is the compound required by TOUR rules for the 1/12 Truck class, and is being used by some road course clubs as a "control tire" class as well! Mounted on "High Roller 38" large diameter HR-38 rims, Pro-Cut tires are low profile race tires, and trued to 1.90" rear.
High Roller 38 Wheels:
Instead of simply adding a rim filler, CRC has taken the large wheel trend one step further by increasing the rim diameter to the ROAR and IFMAR legal limit of 38mm. CRC's HR-38 wheel is lightweight, with a unique spoke pattern that results from the placement of the strengthening ribs. The internal ribs not only support the outer diameter, but they also add strength to the critical 3-hole mounting area, by providing a web of material on each side of the hole. Older standard wheel designs leave the 3-hole area un-braced, resulting in a weak area that could flex. The rear wheel has mounting offsets that are slightly narrower, allowing the user to custom-shim the rear axle width and track.
Note: The colored line on the tires marks them as stripe spec tires.
- Available in standard and lightweight options
- Light, but strong.
- Race ready, right from the package, no tire grinding needed!
- Large diameter, with low-profile.
- Legal everywhere.
- High Roller 38 rim accepts standard 1/12th donuts.
- Tire Outer Diameter: 1.90"
- Wheel Outer Diameter: 1.495" (38mm)
- (2) "Blue Stripe" 1/12 Spec Rear Tires (Lightweight)