- October 20
- November 3
- November 17
- December 8
- January 5
- January 19
- February 2
- February 16
- March 2
- March 16
- March 30
- April 13
- April 27 Season Finale
Race day rates
- First Class entry $25.00
- Second / Third class $5.00 (each additional class)
- Kids 16 and under $15.00 (Please note: Children 13 and under must be accompanied by and adult)
We will be doing 50/50 draws and raffles throughout the season on interesting prizes to help support continued maintenance of the track and timing hardware. Some of our boards will need some repair / replacement this year so we do have specific goals in mind.
Set-up will be done the evening before the event. Pack up of the track will begin immediately after the final main race, needless to say, the more bodies we have helping out the better for all of us.
The Gallipeau Centre 361 Queen St. Smiths Falls, Ontario